Fanny, her wings on the ground

Auteur : Annie Depont

Maison d'édition : Éditions Garuda

Date de parution : 19/01/2024


What is the life of a little rich girl in the 50’s?. Let’s go back to after-war in Europe for a childhood where parents were often absent. France is being reconstructed and wealthy shop owners are back to business willing to enjoy social life with little time to look after a kid.

Never more than two years in the same environment, having to deal with authority changing frequently, Fanny developed a resilient personality. “Be silent, impertinent!” was often addressed to her. She always will defend her point and never let it go. Confronted to oppressing authority that many girls would have found difficult to stand she used to dodge gracefully, look over her shoulder and smile.

This nomadism is a strong element of her personality and education, and it has taken her to some wild countries. Curious, she knows no fear nor shyness. Becoming a mother without planning it, she fights to escape the country, Iran, and is, today, happy for having done so.


In Paris she faces poverty with her child. Then she emigrates to Canada where she lays her wings on the ground.

Annie Depont. Canadian resident. She lives close to the forest up north Montréal. Culture journalist. She founds in 2006 Traces magazine. TRACES is acronym for Tourism- Region- Art- Culture- Education -Society. Finalist for Gaston Miron Prize for excellence in French language, Annie has been honored in Paris with the silver medal Art-Sciences et Lettres acknowledging her work in the field of distribution of Art and Culture in Canada and Japan where she launched Expo-Culture-Japon-Quebec. Besides hundreds of articles within various magazines, this is the translation of her first novel. Her second book ” Astie d’Francaise de marde ” has been published at the same editor.

Number of pages :136

ISBN: 9782925342205 Category: